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European Business & Innovation Centre Network

EBN is an international European network of organisations supporting the development and growth of innovative businesses
A Europe-wide network of innovation organisations
A Europe-wide network of innovation organisations
200 business and innovation centres (BICs), incubators and 100 associate members
A wide range of services
A wide range of services
Services include a wide range of activities from special certifications to networking to the development of new IP tools.
630 professionals
630 professionals
Experts from all over Europe who want to support growing startups.

What services EBN offers

  • A unique certification system for technology-focused incubators and accelerators
  • an international networking platform for intermediaries and startups, SMEs and entrepreneurs
  • cross-border and international connections for members, their customers and partners
  • effective collaboration to support EU-funded projects
  • running special interest groups, for example focusing on Horizon 2020
  • organising annual 'policy events' in Brussels, connecting members with the latest EU opportunities
  • helping policy makers and agencies to create innovation ecosystems
  • developing new tools for corporate collaboration on IP


Other network members in the Czech Republic

  • BIC Plzeň
  • BIC Ostrava
  • INQbay při ČVUT Praha


More information can be found on the EBN website

Want to know more?

Fill in the form below and our EBN colleague Monika Vrbková will get back to you.

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